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Secret Daddy Page 13
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Page 13
“But if you want me to go, I do understand,” she adds. “I can’t force you to keep me here. There’s nothing in our contract that says you can’t just fire me. In fact, you can fire me for any reason, it says. So, I understand if you take that option. It would certainly make things—”
“Stop,” I command her, a little sharper than I meant to sound. I can’t bear to listen to her keep talking like this, and I pull her cold little fist, clasped in my hands, up to my mouth. I press a hard kiss to her knuckles and then settle her hands back down into my lap. “I don’t want you to go, Sofia. I don’t want you anywhere but right here with me. This is my child. Our child.” I squeeze her hands. “I’m not going to abandon it.”
A tentative smile tugs at Sofia’s lips, the first real one I’ve seen in days. “It’s going to be complicated,” she warns me in a soft sing-song voice.
“More complicated than finding you some new health insurance coverage?” I wonder, and an actual laugh pops out of her mouth.
“I guess not,” she confesses.
“You can’t be very far along,” I note, and Sofia nods.
“Six weeks, so we should probably try to have my first—I mean, our first—ultrasound in the next two weeks,” she answers. “We can hear the heartbeat then.”
I shake my head, blown away by everything she’s telling me. We should’ve known this was going to happen, yet it’s still come as a shock. Another child in this house. A half-sibling for the kids. It would be born in the summer. Will it be a boy or a girl? And how will Astrid…
Eesh. The gravity’s gone again, and I can’t even fathom how badly my first wife is going to take this news. The kids don’t even realize we’re together, for God’s sake. What are we going to do?
“Are you pregnant?” Sofia asks, blinking at me from beneath a few fallen springs of curls. She smiles softly and nudges my knee with hers. “You’re looking a little sick yourself.”
“Oh, I’m fine,” I lie. “I feel a little overwhelmed, but you’re the one harboring new life in your body.”
Sofia’s eyebrows knot in a slight frown. “You’re thinking about your ex-wife, aren’t you?” she guesses. “The kids?”
“Pfft,” I exhale, taking my hands from hers so I can rub my forehead. It’s going to be one holy mess. Sofia settles away from me on the couch, watching me warily. “I mean, of course, Sofia. I’ve got to think about them, too. This isn’t just our baby. I have a whole family to consider.”
Sofia presses her lips together. “I know,” she says, voice going soft and husky, a whisper. She pushes to a stand and ties her arms around her midsection, like she’s protecting herself and our baby from me. “I know. I’m basically the other woman right now.” With that, she turns on her heel and marches toward the office door, shaking her curls like she can’t believe she was so stupid.
Chapter 29
I can’t get out of that office fast enough. I knew Lucas was still holding onto his threadbare relationship with his ex-wife. She’s the mother of his kids, and they struggled to make it work for years before finally giving up. He’s only known me for a little longer than a month. She still comes to the family holidays, for God’s sake. If that doesn’t tell me that there’s still some small chance, I don’t know what would. She called me a tartlet that he found on the street, and now I’m pregnant. No one even knew that we were together.
Because he didn’t tell anyone.
His dirty little secret, I hiss silently to myself, thundering down the cabin stairwell and onto the second floor, eager to get to my own room and out of anyone else’s sight. I shove my bedroom door open and then slam it shut again, a little harder than I meant to.
I whip my jacket off and sling it onto the floor, then fling myself onto my bed, burying my face into my pillow.
This isn’t the way that I want to be pregnant! I don’t want Astrid telling all her beauty-salon friends what a cheap skank I am, how fast I got pregnant, what a dog her ex-husband is. I don’t want Charlie to be the laughingstock of his school. I don’t want Madison to feel destabilized after so many changes took place. The move, the divorce, and now, the pregnant nanny.
Lucas knocks firmly at my bedroom door. I know that it’s him because of the barely restrained frustration in each beat. He’s probably mad at me. Why wouldn’t he be? I have made his life so much more complicated. He said so himself. He already has a family.
“Maggie,” he calls to me, in case the kids can hear him right now. “Please let me in. You’re wrong about everything.”
I only burrow deeper into my pillow. I don’t want to see him. “No,” I say, voice muffled by the pillow. My nose is already clogged, even though I have barely let a single tear slip. He must be able to hear that I’m crying in my voice, and that makes me feel all the more vulnerable. “Just give me some space for a while.”
There’s a hesitation, and then, “No.” He says it firmly and simply, like it’s a fact that he won’t give me any space. “Not right now. Unlock this door.”
“No,” I call into my pillow again. “Go away.”
There’s a moment of silence, and then I hear his bedroom door open. Damnit, he’s coming in through the adjoining bathroom, and I don’t have the energy to vault up from the bed and rush over to the bathroom door and lock it.
The bathroom door swings open, and I hear Lucas’ footsteps slowly crossing the threshold. His gaze burns into my back. Then a weight settles beside me on the mattress, and his palm flattens between my shoulder blades. He strokes up and down, attempting to comfort me, but it’s not going to work. This is humiliating for him. This is a dark mark on his fatherhood. This is a liability for his custody. I get it. I get it. That was why I didn’t want to tell him in the first place—but I had to.
“Sofia,” he whispers, and my heart flowers open to him, wanting to listen. I want to give in, even though he’s just trying to comfort me. He knows this is a mess, just like I do. “I think you misunderstood me, baby. Everything is going to be fine. It’s not going to be a bed of roses all the time, yes, but I’m not going anywhere. I don’t have any regrets either. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Sofia. Nothing. I’m happy.”
I finally tear my wet face from the pillow and force myself to look up at Lucas.
“You’re happy that I’m pregnant?” I have to make sure that I heard him right.
“Of course, I am, Sofia. That’s beautiful. We made a baby, and it’s going to be a part of my family. And so will you.”
He slides his hand against my stomach, as if he can feel the little life kindled in there, and I offer a watery smile up to him. I’m not this kind of girl, but being pregnant leaves me feeling shaky and alone. I want to cling to him. I want him to promise me that everything will be OK. That’s probably a total fairy tale. Astrid isn’t going to smile and nod when she finds out that we’re going to have a baby together.
She’s going to kill me. That’s what she’s going to do.
I swallow thickly and dare myself to sit up, to come into Lucas’s space and feel his warmth. Damn, I’m going to surrender to him. I want to. I’m in love with him. I want to be with him, even if everything in front of us is rough terrain. There’s no one else I could possibly want.
“Promise me we’re going to be OK,” I whisper up to him, looking from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes. I ache for the complete comfort of his body on mine. “Promise.”
Lucas leans close, and his whispered breath rakes across my earlobe. “I promise,” he says, and I melt in his arms. Damn it. He’s got me good.
Chapter 30
As soon as Sofia’s defenses dissolve, I coalesce over her, snatching her against me and cradling her hard. She’s so wonderfully silky smooth, even with fresh tears still on her pillow, and I love the way her body folds against mine. She makes me feel strong and weak at the same time.
Her head falls to the side and blond curls splash over my arm. I bury my face in her nec
k and inhale the scent there, overwhelmed by her. Everything screams femininity, from her white velvet throat to that sweet coconut aroma in her hair. I have to push her down onto the mattress. My hardness against her softness.
“Oh, Lucas,” she breathes into my ear. My hard palms crush over her breasts, so firm and ripe, grinding her tender nipples between my thumb and forefinger. An exquisite rush of blood thunders down my shaft and swirls at the tip of my tingling head. I’m ready for her already, but I want to make sure she’s ready for me.
I forget everything except Sofia.
My fingers shake as my hand snakes down to the button and zipper on her slim jeans. I tug them both open and fish in her panties, fingers toying with her clit mercilessly. She’s already wet, but I want her gushing. My lips find her earlobe and suckle at it, relishing her. “We have to be quiet,” I remind her, fumbling for her bedside dresser and dipping my hand inside the top drawer. I tug a pair of panties from inside and jam them into her whimpering mouth, still toggling her clit.
Slithering down the curvaceous length of her legs, admiring the perfect sweep of her thighs and calves, I peel her skintight pants down. When I reach her boots, I unlace them, and the pants and the boots collapse together in a bundle on the floor. I crack her thighs apart and my tongue seeks her sweet little bundle, that pink pearl glistening at the tip of her slit. I work her over gratefully, passionately, my entire body singing with relief.
Sofia is mine. My seed grows inside her.
I feel so fucking complete with my head buried between her legs.
I mean to finish eating her out, I really do. I want her cum trickling down my chin, but I also want to gaze long and hard into her smoldering, feline eyes as my cock sinks fully into her cunt. I want to feel her quiver around my base right now, want to feel her milking my head, vibrating hotly all around me. I come up for air and climb between her thighs. She wraps them around me with no preamble.
She tries to speak through the panties, but I can’t even hear her. It doesn’t matter to me, whatever she’s saying. I know what she means, whatever it is. There’s no mistaking that sweet, mewling tone.
“Do you want me?” I growl against her ear. My head runs up and down her slit, collecting its honey, spreading her slick all over herself. I could plunge inside her right now, like a fucking beam, but I wait and drip against her hole instead. “Do you want me inside you?”
“Mmf.” Sofia’s lips are pried wide by the panties in her mouth, but she still tries to speak around the fabric, her adorable eyebrows knotted tight over her closed eyes. “Mmf!” I can only imagine what that means in the language of bondage. But I still wait.
Maybe I have an evil streak, because I love the way she writhes beneath me, so desperate for this thick length that I refuse to give her. I drip against her snatch and nudge at her opening, but I don’t press in. I let our parts kiss against each other. I tease, and she simmers.
“Say, ‘yes, Daddy,’” I breathe into her ear. Sofia’s eyelids crack open, but her eyes are all the way back in her head.
“Mmf, mmfy,” she says, and I thrust.
She consumes my world with her wetness, her tightness, her hole twisting and squeezing over my shaft. I slide all the way in, until our hips are flush against each other and I have to hold myself on my hands, arm’s length away from her, for the whole thing to fit.
Sofia looks like she’s in the middle of a psychic vision, and I slip out, then buck swiftly into her, intentionally shocking her system. She’s going to pour all over me one way or another.
“I need to see your whole body,” I rasp, stripping away her sweater in one deft motion and then unclasping her bra. It pops away, and I lose my breath a little.
She reminds me of a painting of a Greek goddess, especially Aphrodite, though her body is trim. The breasts are certainly round and firm, almost unsuitable for her frame, as are her ass and her thighs. I have to swallow a load of saliva in my mouth. She’s creamy and untouched, wide-eyed with those soft, shapely lips gaping up at me. White cotton cracks her lips apart, and I rake a thumb over her sensitive lower lip.
“I don’t trust you not to scream,” I whisper to her, then twist her over and position her roughly, so she’s presenting herself to me like a good girl. I love it.
I love looking down at that ripe peach of an ass, seeing her holes shimmering up at me, waiting eagerly to be filled. As soon as my erection even drifts close to her pussy, its entrance suckles at him, taunting him, begging me to be kind and weak and drive inside it.
I want to withhold, but I fail and let him go. The crushing pleasure of being inside her body spirals all through me. I’m dizzy in an instant. My whole world is this moment, and that makes me terrible—we’ll be brief.
I grip her hips, so wide and thick for such a narrow waist, and plunge into her. I want to spank her, but I’ll have to settle for this slow fucking agony. I can’t let the kids hear the sounds of our bodies slamming together, but at least I can see her sweet ass ripple and jump when I pad against it with my hips.
Sofia grinds her face down into her pillows and calls out like the house is being robbed. I prize her thighs apart with my thumbs, separating her ass cheeks from each other so that it won’t make almost any noise at all when I slam against her hole. I drive fully into her, swift and complete, again and again, driven by the way she sobs and screams for me. I break out into a hard sweat holding my own cum at bay. It’s close. My belly crawls with it. My vision blurs with it.
I’m so close to letting go when there’s a sudden quick tapping at Sofia’s bedroom door, and Madison’s tiny voice comes bleeding through the wood.
“Miss Maggie?” she broaches uncertainly.
Sofia is quick to flip roles, and in a split second, she’s no longer weeping and screaming muffled nothings into her pillows. Her head comes up, the panties come out of her mouth, and she replies brightly and readily, “Yes?”
“I’m looking for Daddy to see if I can go outside with Charlie,” she chirps. “Do you know where Daddy is?”
Chapter 31
I’m frozen in absolute horror, Lucas’ dick inside me up to the hilt. I have to say, even my worst moments aren’t half bad with this man buried deep between my thighs at the same time.
“Hmm,” I say aloud, knowing full well where “Daddy” is right now. “I think he’s working,” I lie, hoping that her running upstairs to check will give us enough time to scramble back into our clothes and send him galloping to his bedroom to pretend like he just woke up from a nap.
“I already checked up there,” she replies, and Lucas’ dick pulses inside me. My eyelashes flutter, and I whimper softly, then pointedly clear my throat and shoot him a glare over my shoulder.
Lucas shrugs at me helplessly, eyebrows high.
“He must have stepped out for a second,” I lie loudly, praying for this moment to end soon. My pussy twists hungrily around his cock and he balloons responsively inside me. “But you know what? I think it’s fine if you go in the yard with Ch-Charlie. H-have fun!”
There’s a long pause, and I think that Madison might be gone. Lucas dips in and out, one time, and my jaw clamps down. Do not scream. Do not moan.
“Are you all right, Miss Maggie?” Madison says. I knew she was still there.
“Just a little sick, but I’m fine, baby,” I tell her. “Don’t worry about m-me. You go have some f-f-fun.”
“Yes ma’am!” Madison cheers, her sense of obligation satisfied. Her light footfalls drum across the hallway and disappear with a clomp, clomp, clomp down the stairs.
“Maybe we should stop,” I whisper, but Lucas isn’t listening. He’s already slowly rubbing back and forth inside me again, and he hasn’t come yet. He’s not going to slip out of this pussy without spraying it down.
“She’s outside now,” he rasps down to me, as we hear the front door yawn open and slam shut. “Come on. Let’s go.”
“This is how we got into this mess in the first pla
ce,” I warn him, but I only receive a rich, dark chuckle in response. He drops a hand between my legs and lazily plays with my clit.
“Fuck yeah, it is,” he agrees, and the speed of his fingers picks up. They feel like they’re vibrating on me and my thighs go taut. My lower body shakes like a jackhammer. I’m going to come, and I’m going to come hard if he wants to overpower me with this kind of skill.
My entire body flushes with fire and my cunt gives up the fight against Lucas’s fingers, choking a hard orgasm out of a pussy that was just getting started. I come streams, shuddering, all over his cock. He strokes into my clutching walls, relishing the way they clamp and suck at him. “That’s exactly how we do it,” he growls thickly. He’s an animal, and I have to obey him when his thumbs grind against the back of my hips, pressing me downward. It opens me up, and he slides right back inside, all the way to the brim.
His thrust starts off gentle and slow, and I clamp my lips shut and bury my head into the pillows again. I want him to come, too.
Lucas drives fully into me while I’m angled downward, and it’s intense. He’s on the verge of popping inside me, and I almost scream that I can’t take it when he pulls out of me completely.
“On your back,” Lucas commands me, and I slide over onto my back, lifting my legs for him.
“Oh, Lucas,” I groan as he fills me again.
“Sofia,” he echoes softly to me, startling me with his sudden vulnerability. My eyes open and make contact with his. I can’t look away, even though this is so intense, and he whispers, his voice deep with restraint, “I’m going to come.”
His eyes squeeze shut, and veins bulge as he bursts inside me, sending a rush of heat through both of our bodies. He collapses on top of me, panting, and I cradle my hips lovingly against his, inhaling his sweaty neck.